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         Pet Related Therapy:


           -Grief/Loss of a Pet 


       -Coping with Pet Health/Sickness


            -End of life issues


       -Ceremonial Release/Transition 




Aside from my passion to work and help others, my other passion has always revolved around helping and working with animals. Throughout the years, I have worked in kennels, vet offices, doggie daycares and for various rescue organizations. Along with being a massage therapist I became certified in small animal massage therapy and worked at a canine rehabilitation center doing massage, laser and hydrotherapy.  


Growing up I always wanted to become a veterinarian but as a vet assistant in training, I was shown by my consistent fainting during surgeries that maybe that wasn't quite the path for me. :) I had owned dogs all of my life but there was one in particular that I owned named Suki that took me down a new and different path. Suki was a German Shepard/Boxer mix who I raised from a puppy. Around 10 years old, she had a stroke (fibrocartilagenous embolism) while out playing in the ocean waves together. She became paralyzed from the waist down and eventually went through a leg amputation. Suki and I began a new journey together learning about alternative ways to heal and work with her new body and functioning. Everything from chiropractics, acupuncture, laser therapy, hydrotherapy, massage, and energy work. Suki lived to be 13 years old but at a certain point, even though her spirit was still strong, her body was not. The last couple years of her life were incredibly difficult for me trying to determine if she still had quality of life, was free of pain, and financially was it smart for me to keep investing in this incredibly pricey expense just to keep her up and walking day to day. There were many questions which lead to feelings of guilt, sadness, confusion and downright heartache. Suki was my baby, my companion through the most difficult times of my life, my protector and honestly my best friend.  The day her body gave me the sign that it was time to transition was and still is the hardest day of my life. I lived alone in the middle of Austin, Texas at the time and went through the process alone. I was ok with that. I needed the time and space to honor her and grieve her passing and for me I tend to isolate for a bit especially during times of grief in order to process and release. I know that others may not want to do this journey alone and may want the extra support as their pet comes close to transitioning.  As your therapist, I would be honored to help you in your process for you and your fur baby. Whether it is helping you through the grief of your pets passing, coping with the emotions around a pet that is close to transitioning, creating a ceremony for your pet or being there for the actual passing of your pet, I am here to help and support you through this difficult time.  







Gone Too Soon handwritten in the sand wi

    A few pics of my fur

    babies over the years...

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